Tag: Malpractice Attorney
Malpractice Attorney U.: Affidavit of Merit
In Malpractice Cases, the Victim’s Malpractice Attorney Must Obtain an “Affidavit of Merit.” It must come from an Expert in the Same Profession As the Professional Being Sued. An Affidavit from Someone Who Practices in a Similar Profession Is Not Good Enough. A malpractice attorney helps victims injured by a licensed professional obtain compensation. The professional could…
Malpractice Lawyer:Tort Reform Hits Dr.
Malpractice Lawyer Case: Can A Dr. Sue Hospital That Revoked Privileges? If there is one issue that causes tension between your typical medical malpractice lawyer and your typical physician, it is the issue of tort reform. No one likes to be sued. Doctors are no exception. Many doctors and their medical associations have lobbied state…